The kittens of a British shorthair are among the sweetest that you can imagine.
We want the kittens to remain with their mother until they are old enough to be adopted to new families. This is normally when they are 3 months old, vaccinated, chipped, eating cat food and they are used to go to litterbox. Thus the new adoptive family will be ready to take good care of the new angels.
Useful advice
Love them
They are lovable creatures and they need to feel love as much as you as a human being needs to as well. Caress them, play with them.
A cat needs space to move around, jump, run. Do not keep them confined to a certain area, at least as little as possible. If you have a yard even better to let it out.
In order for your kitten to be strong, healty and a happy cat you have to play with it. Find out what it likes and keep on doing it, be creative. Hercules for instance loves to play with Christmas tree balls more than anything else, he can play for himself even for hours.
First of all be responsible. These new kittens are brought into this world to be able to feel as much joy as you. A pet depends fully on you. A cat is a difficult animal to read for instance compared to a dog. Try to pay attention if the kitten feels alright. He will make you know, sometimes you just need to pay attention.
Nutrition and water
Feed them with high quality wet and dry food, the cost for that from online pet shops is not much higher than low quality food. In the long run it makes economically sense as the cat will have lower risk of becoming sick. Buy low carbohydrate, low sugar and as natural food without hormones, additives and colour agents. Bozita is a Swedish cat food brand that we encourage cat owners to buy. It has a tetra pak container which is recyclable without plastic and metal, which makes it environmentally friendly. The pricing from online pet shops is not higher than medium quality cat food from the local store, in some cases it is even lower. Use distilled or bottled water.